Pikler Triangle version 2.0

For this second version of the Pikler triangle, I decided to go all out in my experimental design. I built the main triangle out of 5/4 red oak and made the dowels myself. I opted for a folding version this time, and I used a few different mechanisms for the hinge and lock. I tried to avoid screws in order to keep the aesthetic as natural as possible, but that meant one of the legs would attach to the pivot triangle solely through glue. While it likely would hold up fine, I wanted to ensure the torsion wouldn’t break the adhesion, so I added a hidden tenon inside for extra strength. I also just received a batch of Tiny Land stains, so I went a bit overboard in the coloring. These stains are still vibrant, yet they give a much more natural feel than acrylic paint.


Whale Carving


Bear Carving